Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Monarch Voting Videos

Voting for the student choice awards, Monarch (K-2) and Bluestem (3-5) will be next week, March 9-13. Our first and second grade students have been thinking about which book they will be voting for and created these promotional videos with the Chatter Pix Kids app!

Click here to see a folder with 1M, 1T, and 2T's videos!

Here are 1J's videos!

Here are 2S' videos!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's Not Too Late to "Get Caught Reading" This Summer!

The long lazy weeks of summer may be coming to an end soon (and we're looking forward to seeing students back at Prospect!) but it also isn't too late to enjoy some summer reading! Mrs. Swanson encouraged students to "Get Caught Reading" and have their picture taken with them reading somewhere.

Pictures can be emailed to Mrs. Swanson at and they will be put in the display case outside Prospect Library at the beginning of the school year!

Check out some of the photos we have received so far:

Friday, May 24, 2019

Thank you for shopping at our Spring Bookfair!

Thank you to everyone that supported Prospect's Bookfair! Did you know that a portion of the proceeds goes directly to supporting our library!
Here are pictures from this year's fall and spring fair that shows just some of the books that were added to the library thanks to the Bookfair! Than you again for your support!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Author/Illustrator Mike Wohnoutka

Several primary classes were lucky enough to be visited by Author/Illustrator Mike Wohnoutka last week! He shared several of his books including Moo! and his latest book, Croc and Turtle! He created a drawing in front of our eyes based on students' requests.

After his visit, many students were inspired to create their own drawings and stories! Here are a few that kindergarteners shared with me!

Friday, February 15, 2019

World Read Aloud Week

Every year, on World Read Aloud Week, people all around the globe read aloud together and share stories to advocate for literacy as a human right that belongs to all people. Prospect students participated in our library by connecting with authors and other classes around the country via Skype or Google Hangout. Here are just a few pictures of some of the classes.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Author Elana K. Arnold visit

All students got to hear from Elana K. Arnold, author of our One Book, One School book, A Boy Called Bat. She shared how she got her ideas for writing A Boy Called Bat and we learned about her research on skunks. Students had a great time hearing about her own pets and asking her lots of questions!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Books, Tarantulas, Bats and Skunks, Oh My!

 Students that came to our Family Reading Night not only got a chance to shop the bookfair but also got to learn many awesome facts about bats and skunks! After the presentation, they got to view the animals up close and even touch the skunk and hold a tarantula! Thanks to the Incredible Bats company for bringing in the animals!