Saturday, August 23, 2014

Welcome Back, Panthers, and MRC checkout times

We are excited to welcome back our Prospect Panthers! Teachers and staff have been busy this past week participating in professional development and working on our school improvement plan. We are looking forward to working together to help all of our students learn and grow.

In the MRC this year, I will be collaborating with teachers both in their rooms and in the MRC. The MRC schedule will be fairly flexible, but classes will have a typical checkout time as well. Please know that students are encouraged to come visit us whenever they need new materials (and when their teacher allows.)
Here is the schedule of when classes will checkout together as a class(very subject to change)!

Monday: 3W, 4A, 2N
Tuesday: 3T
Wednesday: 5S, 4M, 1T, 1G, 2S
Thursday: KB, KA am, 5L, KA pm, 2T
Friday: 1M, 5J, 4W, 3G