Prospect School received the good news that we were granted a hardcover set of the 2015 Monarch Award books from the LBSS Endowment Fund! There are twenty books for grade K-2 on the list of the Monarch Readers Choice Award. Students in K-2 at Prospect all are encouraged to read books from the list and vote for their favorite in March. In 2014, 196 students voted! Nineteen second grade students also read all twenty books on the 2013-2014 list! The 2014 Monarch Award winner was
The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School by Laura Murray.
In the congratulatory letter from the ISLMA/LBSS Endowment Fund Board, Chair Gail Janz shared that more than 200 libraries applied to receive one of the reader's choice award grants given for the 2014-2015 school year.