Wednesday, February 8, 2017

District Battle of the Books

This afternoon, Prospect competed in the District Battle of the Books against the other six elementary schools in our district. The team that represented Prospect earned the most points during Prospect's Battle of the Books club. Prospect's team ended up winning second place! Way to go!

Thank you to everyone who participated in Battle this year, and especially the families and students that came to support our team at the District Battle tonight!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Love Your Library 2017

Looking for a great way to make a lasting contribution to Prospect School? Donate a book to the Prospect Library. Last year, we had 36 books donated to our library through Love Your Library! (Here they are in our catalog!) Here's what you need to know:

  • Fill out this form and return it by Friday, Feb. 10 with a check or cash for $14.00 per book.
  • On Feb. 14, we will take your child to the library to select a new book to donate to the library. 
  • Your child’s name and a school photograph of your child will be placed in the front of the book.
  • Your child can be the first one to check out the book if they choose.
  • It’s that simple! 
  • See this booklist for some of the books students can donate. Students can choose their book ahead of time or pick from the books on a table in the MRC.

Thank you for considering a donation! 
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Swanson at